Saturday, March 6, 2010

craft room continued...

So I haven't had time to start the renovations on the craft room yet. With that being said I have been making lists of all the storage option I already have, a wishlist of things I need, and a wishlist for things I'd like to have as well. Once I decide what to sell I'll post it here with prices. I'm still trying to figure out how to maximize the small amount of space I have to fit the most of my supplies comfortably without looking crowded.

I have some shelving, but I need to paint it all to make it match and help brighten up my workspace. I want to get paper trays or build them. Whichever is more cost effective of course. I'm still trying to figure out how to make use of my pegboards. They are huge so I believe I'll have to cut them down but I think it would be beneficial to not keep them big.

I think I might use my 3 tables for craft shows in my room though I'm not sure I'll be able to fit all of my other fixtures in the room. I really wanted to get alot done on the room this weekened but with being on call, there isn't alot I can get done. I'm planning on trying to start getting some things done Wednesday night but we'll see what happens. I already know this is going to take longer than I would like it to I'm sure, but it will be worth it.

Hopefully this week I can start sketching out some ideas for the workspace to help give me a better idea of what to put where. Well I'm off to a local superstore to get more ideas. I'll post an update very soon!

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